Corn flakes (after Velazquez)
Infanta Margarita Teresa in a Blue Dress by Diego Velazquez
Image of a box of Corn Flakes cereal
Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 20"
Artist's Insights:
Q. Some will say that you left out the most important part of the Velazquez portrait.
A. Ah, yes. This painting is one of the best-known portraits by Velazquez. After considering this painting for many years, I decided to remove perhaps the most characteristic part of the piece, a voluminous crinoline accentuated by trimmed borders and a wide lace collar. I chose to feature only the face of the eight-year-old Infanta. She has a pretty face and a pale complexion. I gave her the prominence she deserved in my composition and paired her with a box of Corn Flakes which may evoke in some viewers themes of youth, lightness, and good health but, for me, the excellent design of the cereal box, its bold letters, and basic colors made the pairing work.
Original for sale.
Infanta Margarita Teresa in a Blue Dress by Diego Velazquez
Image of a box of Corn Flakes cereal
Acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 24" x 20"
Artist's Insights:
Q. Some will say that you left out the most important part of the Velazquez portrait.
A. Ah, yes. This painting is one of the best-known portraits by Velazquez. After considering this painting for many years, I decided to remove perhaps the most characteristic part of the piece, a voluminous crinoline accentuated by trimmed borders and a wide lace collar. I chose to feature only the face of the eight-year-old Infanta. She has a pretty face and a pale complexion. I gave her the prominence she deserved in my composition and paired her with a box of Corn Flakes which may evoke in some viewers themes of youth, lightness, and good health but, for me, the excellent design of the cereal box, its bold letters, and basic colors made the pairing work.
Original for sale.